Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Talk about an upsidedown world.

Think about it. Many of you are telling me that we have become pretend people. That we can't be our real selves any more. Because it's too dangerous. So we have to hide behind pseudonyms. Anonyimity. Especially on the Internet. But I suspect it goes beyond cyperspace. We erect facades. Even when we meet people face to face. We're never our real selves. Because we're used to being in hiding. Wouldn't really want people to see us the way we really are. Many of you can't believe I'm Jim Broede. Because if I were myself, I'd have to be insane. Because people aren't themselves any more. Being one's self is out of fashion. Used to be that if we persistently chose to be Napoleon, we'd be committed to a nut house. But now it's required that we be Napoleon or some other character such as Maebee -- just to stay out of the asylum. Because that's considered normal. Wow! Talk about an upsidedown world. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

And the thing is, when I try to be my real self, people insist on changing me into their own fantasy of me. Maybe a jerk. A heathen. A cruel being. They tell me I'm not really Jim Broede. That has to be a fake name. Yes, when I'm being kind and understanding, they tell me I'm cruel and unempathetic. Goes to show they don't know what they're talking about. They live in a fantasy world. They don't even believe in Jim Broede. But still, they believe in Santa Claus and the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy and Maebee. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

When I tell them the truth, they think it's a lie and when I tell them a lie they think it's the truth. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

I think I have an uncanny knack of exposing people for who and what they really are. And that makes me scary. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

That's the real reason people get pissed at me. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

Yes, I'm bringing out their naked beings. I'm stripping them of their clothes. Taking away their facades. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

I believe in god almighty. But lots of people who say they do, really don't. And they dislike it when I prove my point. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

It is truly amusing, to see your thoughts unfold!

One only said it was possible that you are not Jim Broede. Anything is possible within the WWW.Just as revealing our given names does not prove who we are. Unfortunately, you have made yourself well known, whatever your name.

And, when you have rarely been kind and understanding, you have been praised. When you were suffering, outpourings of kindnesses were shown to you, yet you never acknowleged them.

Broede's Broodings said...

You have created a fictionalized, inaccurate version of me. You have made up things. Jumped to faulty conclusions. You have made of me what you want to make of me. Like a fictionalized Santa Claus or Easter bunny. You have created a pretend world. Because you, like so many others, don't want to face reality. Or are incapable of living in the real world. So you make it up as you go along. You refuse to allow yourself to be you. And I expose you for that. You are afraid to go naked in the world. And until you have overcome that fear, you will not have truly lived. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you live in your own little world; they know you there.

Funny, how to you, everyone else is "incapable of living in the real world"?

You shouldn't throw stones.

Broede's Broodings said...

They aren't stones. They are flower petals. Can't you smell them? Don't look at life so negatively. Take your time. Savor. Sniff. That's a scent of roses. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I'm trying to share my wonderful world with you. You can live in Paradise, too. Today. You don't have to put it off. Paradise is within you. Maybe you are looking in the wrong places. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

If you aren't in love, you won't find Paradise. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Some of you get discouraged too easily. Maybe you're too tired. Or too blind to see the wonders of life. Some of you seem to be sleepwalking. Your eyes are closed. Open your eyes. Open your minds. See. See. See. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

We're all capable of living in the real world and enjoying every minute of it. Because we are all capable of love. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Yet, so many choose to live in fear. In fear of life. We become sniveling cowards. Afraid to venture out into the world. Unclothed. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I'm real. And I have a real life. I'm embracing life at this very moment. Don't be jealous. Be happy for me. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I like to sound crazy. Because that is what makes me sane. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Yes, I like to explore the limits of the mind, the soul, the spirit. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

To feel boundless. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Free. --Jim