Saturday, December 19, 2009

About the wonders of life.

Often, I don't focus on what I'm doing physically. Because I'm wrapped up in a particular thought. I may be walking. For miles. And afterwards, I can't recall much of what I've seen. Maybe because I didn't see it. Because I was oblivious. Preoccupied with what was on my mind. I think that's good. Albeit, I may not be as alert as I should while walking along a road with traffic. But I suppose I'm sort of aware of what's happening around me. Sometimes, I'm taking a shower. And I have to ask myself, "Did I shampoo my hair?" And then I do it a second time. Just to be sure. Because I've been so engrossed in thought I lost track of exactly what I was doing. I was on automatic pilot. But I capture the thought. And later I sit down and record it. In writing. Anyway, other times, I choose to focus what I'm seeing as I walk. In vivid detail. I empty my mind of extraneous thought. I make myself very much aware of my physical world. And I record it in my mind. Not in writing. But savor it. In thought. Over and over. Maybe deer crossing the road. Or a beautiful sunset. Or a magnificently sculptured snowdrift. This morning, I was going about chores in the house. Everything from doing the breakfast dishes to cleaning out the kitty litter box. But at the same time, I was thinking. About the wonders of life. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

I want an existence that allows me to transcend the physical world. Allows me to enter a dimension far beyond my imagination. --Jim