Friday, December 18, 2009

I can even create a blog.

I think the written word is a nicer invention than the spoken word. It's more concrete. One needs ears to hear the spoken word. But one can read the written word. And more easily recall it. Making it unnecessary to commit to memory. Albeit, if read often enough, it becomes a part of memory. Seems to me a love letter has a more lasting effect than whispered sweet nothings. Spoken words tend to be elusive. One can more easily capture a written word. Albeit, I'll grant that the written word can't always capture the tonal quality. And that could have an effect on the meaning. I fell in love with the written word early in life. Because it allowed me to ponder. And to create something tangible. I could see it. Hold it. And due to improved technology, one can write without manually writing with a pen or pencil. I am now able to juggle words. Very fast. Yes, manipulate. Arrange words. Insert thoughts within thoughts. I can even create a blog. And publish myself. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

I like to create. Myself. That is when I come closest to being a god. When I create. Me. --Jim