Sunday, December 20, 2009

I've never stopped.

I've listened to a lot in my days. Pros and cons on all kinds of issues. And I'm a liberal for a reason. Liberals make far more sense than conservatives. Actually, I started out as a conservative. On many issues. And I tried to keep an open mind. And lo and behold, I became liberal. Same reason I became a free-thinker in religious and spiritual matters. And a romantic idealist. And a lover. I've evolved. In a nice way. And I'm probably still evolving. I'm not static. I've been listening and learning for 74 years. I've never stopped. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

I guess I was a conservative before I became educated. Before I became enlightened. Maybe we all start out life as conservatives. Sort of empty-headed. Then we begin to accumulate knowledge. Unless, of course, one remains a conservative all his life. Which is sad. To go through life without ever seeing the light. --Jim