Friday, December 18, 2009

Learning to live in the world.

In some ways, I've learned not to care what happens in the world. Over events over which I have virtually no control. Like the weather, for instance. I have to cope with it. Good or bad. I may not particularly like it that a heavy rainstorm or a prolonged blizzard is about to strike. But not much I can do about it. I learn to live with it. Accept it. The same goes for some political issues. I'm not gonna affect the outcome. So I just have to take it as it comes. I can complain. And I do. But I get on with my life. The best I can. I guess it's a recognition that I'm not god. I can affect certain things. I can cultivate a friendship. A love. I can control my attitude. My outlook on life. But as for world events, the daily happenings that I read about, I can't change 'em. Yes, I have to learn to live in the world. As it is. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

One must try to make the best of everything. Of course, there will be numerous failures. But just trying. That's what counts. --Jim