Friday, January 22, 2010
How to start a revolution.
On working people and the poor. That's where our focus should be. Instead, we have Republicans and Democrats catering to the wealthy. To big corporations. And banks. Especially those on Wall Street. Of course, all this should come as no surprise. The campaigns of our elected officials are financed largely by the big-money interests. Not so much by the working people and the poor. And that's the way it'll continue. Forever. Because the conservative-leaning U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that big business is entitled under the constitution to contribute unlimited amounts of money to political campaigns. Yes, money talks. Money is power. That's the American way. The capitalist way. Allow the rich to become richer. And the poor to become poorer. Our free enterprise capitalists sure know how to manipulate. They have even purchased five justices on the Supreme Court. Well, you hapless working people and the poor. You don't have the money. You don't have the political clout. But on second thought, maybe you do. Take to the streets. Start pillaging Washington. Maybe you could start at the Supreme Court building. And hang five justices in effigy. That'll capture attention. And maybe even start the revolution. --Jim Broede
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We have political hacks on the Supreme Court. Five conservatives. They gave Bush the election in 2000. And now they are making certain that our public officials are picked by the big-money interests. The whole damn political system is corrupt. Some day historians will look back on this era as one of the most flagrantly corrupt ever. And a prime reason for the demise of the USA. Sad, isn't it? --Jim
Some banana republic dictators probably were less corrupt than our politicians. --Jim
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