Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The rich would still be rich.

Maybe there's hope for this country yet. Oregon voters have approved by a wide margin new taxes on wealthy families and corporations. Imagine that. I hope it's the start of a trend. One that spreads across the USA. This is what I've been advocating. Soak the rich. They haven't ever paid their fair share. The decision of George Bush and his Republican cronies to cut the taxes of the rich have cost us dearly. Yes, a total $1 trillion, and counting. If we had applied that money instead to our spiraling budget deficit, we'd be in much better shape today. And the rich would still be rich. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Soaking" them is not necessary, at all. A consistent taxation process, with loopholes closed, would do the trick. A comittee should be set up soley to find and fix the abuses of the processes that are already in place.

The American way, of free enterprise, life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness can never be surrendered.