Thursday, January 14, 2010

What's life really worth?

I'd probably try to adapt. No matter what country I lived in. The point being, maybe I'd have no other choice. I'd have to learn the local customs. The local ways. I'd have to figure out ways to survive. And hopefully, to thrive. Of course, I'd have to learn at least the rudiments of the local language. That would be difficult at my age. But not impossible. If the predominant language was English, I'd be way ahead of the game. When I was younger, I thought about leaving America. And settling in New Zealand or Australia. Now that would be difficult, if not impossible. Old age reduces one's options. At least, I still have the opportunity to travel. To visit other lands. And I'm doing that. Every year. Better late than never. I gripe a lot about America. But that's one of the things I like. The freedom to gripe. Maybe I wouldn't be allowed to do that in some countries. Well, if that was the case, I'd adapt. And maybe not openly gripe. I'd do it in secret. I probably could live in another country. On my retirement income. Not luxuriously. But modestly. Maybe in Britain. Or Ireland. Preferably in an out-of-the-way place. That would be exciting. Getting to know a foreign place. And making it familiar. I'd be all right. As long as I have my health. Maybe that's why I put such a high premium on universal health care. After all, what's life really worth without good health? --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

It'd be nice to live on another habitable planet in the cosmos. I suspect it'd be possible. If one could assume a spiritual form. Maybe that would allow for boundless travel in the physical world. --Jim