Saturday, February 6, 2010
Let's put everyone to work.
I think that every employable American that wants to work should be guaranteed a job. If that means creating more public sector jobs, so be it. There's work to be done. Our nation's infrastucture is deteriorating. We need to clean up our environment. Hospitals and nursing homes are understaffed. On and on the list goes. Lets put everyone to work. No reason to have 9.7 percent unemployment. Let's bring it down to zero percent. It'll help the economy. And it'll boost the morale of the nation. And we'd be helping the so-called lower and middle classes. Yes, think of it. America setting an example for the rest of the world. The first society ever to put all of its people to gainful work. --Jim Broede
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You know, it's not just that employable people have no jobs available. If you look deeper, those who only want that "plum" job, and nothing else, are making the numbers rise. People will not accept the fact that they may have to sling burgers, or sweep floors for awhile. The old jobs may be gone, but there ARE jobs out there.
How about checking into the job applications of those on unemployment benefits, for YEARS. Do they actually TRY to get a job; any job?
You, and those who think the Government can just hand out everything to everyone, are the destructive forces of our country. You want to create a weak, dependent citizenry. There are already programs to help those who are REALLY in need, but are being corrupted by those who believe they deserve a hand-out.
By the way, in case you forgot, WE are the Government. WE pay for the hand-outs. I can't afford it anymore. I live within my means.
I prefer a kinder point of view. And a better distribution of the wealth. --Jim
And I'm not sure that we common folk are the government. Big money rules the roost. We ain't got a democracy. It's a plutocracy. --Jim
It's the big corporations that are getting the hand-outs and the tax breaks. Time for the little folks to start getting their share. They need jobs to make ends meet. And more than one gets flipping a hamburger. --Jim
People like you, dear anonymous, are all heart, aren't you? --Jim
I simply live in a real world. I am totally for aiding those who truly need it. What about personal responsibility?? What about pride in your accomplishments?? What about earning what you receive??
How about putting those on unemployment for so long, into the soup kitchens, and homeless shelters for a few hours a day??? Require community service, in exchange for their hand-outs.
I think the kindest thing we can do, is return to people actually working for what they have.I t is not kind, to turn our Americans into helpless, ambitionless, dependent people, who only know how to stand in line with their hands out. Nowadays, you can even sit back, and collect unemployment on the computer.
Do you know, there are actually GENERATIONS who continually depend COMPLETELY on the welfare system. That is WRONG!
Do you think the big-wig bankers that rake in multi-million dollar bonuses every year truly earn it all? Truly deserve it all? What about corporate welfare? Do they deserve it? They get far more than so-called welfare cheats. Look at the ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. The rich are the biggest cheaters in our society. They bilk us taxpayers in shameful amounts. They know the tricks. They know how to play the system. They know how to buy a congressman and a senator. --Jim
You sound, dear anonymous, like a staid and conservative old lady. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that. Whatever makes you happy. --Jim
Since your entry did not mention corporate abuses, I didn't mention it. These are 2 separate issues, and BOTH should be dealt with-swiftly and severely.
BOTH systems have parties who are illegally making monetary gains from the "system".
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