Thursday, February 4, 2010

The ultimate goal.

I think life is fantastic. Incredible. The greatest invention ever. Yes, he's my hero. The creator. Oh, life can be painful and disappointing. But if one can hang on long enough, there's so much to savor. One has to feel his way. And discover. Because there are so many ways to live. One even has the opportunity to turn bad into good. And the negative into the positive. Some of us, of course, don't find life so fascinating. And commit suicide. Yes, it's possible not to love life. Maybe when one is bogged down in misery. In painful throes. But if one learns to survive, one also learns to love. That's the ultimate goal. To love. Life itself. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

Life itself is the finest reward one can ever have. --Jim