Thursday, March 4, 2010

An idiot is born every minute.

'There's a sucker born every minute.' P.T. Barnum was alleged to have said it. But I also suspect it's the credo of the Republican Party. The GOP comes up with crap on a daily basis. And expects people to believe it. And many do. Because there are lots of suckers in this world. I mean really stupid people. Look at how many were sold a bill of goods on George Bush. Not once. But twice. Now the Republicans are blaming Obama and the Democrats for the poor economy. That takes a lot of nerve. The Bush administration took over with a budget surplus. And ended with something like a $7 trillion deficit. And unregulated banks. And two wars. And an infrastructure left in shambles. And out-of-control health care costs. With almost 50 million Americans without health insurance. And 49,000 deaths a year just because Americans don't get proper medical care. And Obama has had barely more than a year to fix the problems. And because they ain't all fixed yet, the Republicans say the Democrats should be thrown out of office. And the Republicans, the very people that got us into this mess, should be returned to office. And polls show that maybe that'll happen in November. Proof beyond a doubt that a sucker (idiot) is born every minute. Right here in America. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

Many of us have opinions on political, economic and social issues. And we don't budge. No matter what. It's a fact of life. We think we're right. Even when we are wrong. We're stubborn. And stupid, too. --Jim