Monday, March 29, 2010

We're all entitled to our opinions.

I got a letter from a Christian. Elsewhere in the comments section on this page of the blog. Tells me that the god I believe in isn't the real god. That my god doesn't sound like her Christian god. Well, that could be because I'm not a Christian. I'm a free-thinker. I have no objection to her god. Could be her god is fine and dandy. A really nice god. I wonder why she thinks my god isn't the real god. I'm speculating that we both may have the same god. But that we perceive of our god in different ways. And we both could be correct. God could have many faces. I'm not even sure if my god is male or female. Maybe neither. Maybe god is simply god. Maybe god is indefinable. The Christian also tells me that I really don't know the real Jesus. But I think I do. He's a great philosopher and teacher and a decent man. The woman says he's more than that. Suggesting he's the son of god. I'm not so sure about that. But as a free-thinker, I'm entitled to my opinion. Just as a Christian is entitled to his/her opinion. --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

You have misstated almost everything that I wrote. I wrote that you do not know God and Jesus. I believe that is true, from the way you trivialize them, in all your references. You write of A god. You write of several gods. I write of The God-one God. It seems that your perceptions are all self-created. They are yours, and that is fine.

" The woman says he's more than that."
I never referenced my sex

"Suggesting he's the son of god."
I did not suggest or even infer that

I was stating my opinions in reference to your statements in that particular post.

Broede's Broodings said...

I do know god and Jesus. In my own way. Not your way. I'm entitled to my own way. Just as you are entitled to your own way. Apparently, you want to set a standard for belief. For me. That takes a lot of gall. And I know you didn't openly reference your sex. But I know you are a woman. Or do you deny it? Be proud of being a woman. You don't have to try to hide it. Are you ashamed to be a woman? You don't even have the courage to use your real name. That's sad. Me thinks you are a sissy. A pious sissy woman. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

By the way, I think most men have the courage to use their names. Women, on the other hand, tend to feel it's safer to hide their identity. Especially if they are being critical of someone. I always use my name. My real name. If I have something to say, I'll stand by it. I find that the most petty people in the world tend to stay anonymous. Can't blame 'em, I suppose. Because they look like asses. --Jim

Anonymous said...

You made your point, and I made my point. I am not trying to set any standard. Anyone is welcome to share my beliefs, or not. I respect that. I should, instead, assume you are speaking of other gods. I responded because you referred to me, from another post, and misstated my words.

You offer the option to respond anonymously. Do not deride me for doing so. I have a good reason. I am actually the mate of someone you "know"-someone who comes here on occasion-and I don't want to be identified here.

Broede's Broodings said...

Apparently, your mate doesn't want to be identified either. You all stay anonymous. Because you are chickens. Sissies. You don't have the courage of your convictions. I hope you are ashamed of yourself. You should be. And another thing, you ain't acting like a good Christian. I'll bet Jesus wouldn't approve. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

My guess is that Jesus wouldn't approve of modern-day Christianity. He would be abhored to see what's going on in the church. In the name of Christianity. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I have a hunch that Jesus might choose to become a Buddhist. --Jim