Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I don't even sweat the big stuff.

When things go wrong in my life, they are usually little things. Trivial. And I used to get annoyed over the little stuff. But I rarely do that any more. It's like when my Chicago Cubs lose a game that I feel they should have won. Years ago, that would have upset me. Now I get over it. In minutes. Because I remind myself that the outcome of a sports event is not a life and death matter. It's trivial. Unimportant. I've even learned to put into perspective tragedies over which I have no control. Yes, the fact that I recognize that I can't do anything to change what has happened. Such as the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Even though I don't like it. There's not much I can do about it. I have to leave that to other people. Such as our so-called leaders. I can write about it. In my blog. But that's like walking into the wilderness and talking out loud. It falls on deaf ears. But still, I speak my piece. That satisfies me. Even if I'm not heard. Which means I have found a way to no longer sweat some of the big stuff. --Jim Broede

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