Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Let's put BP out of business.

I'm aiming barbs at Public Enemy No. 1. Someone. Or something. Maybe a corporation that deserves to be despised as much as Adolph Hitler. Such as British Petroleum (BP). I'd like to see BP put out of business. I'm certainly not gonna buy any gasoline at a BP station. I might even picket the local station. And encourage motorists to go elsewhere. I used to take my cars to the BP station for oil changes. And some routine maintenance. But no more. Just two months ago, I didn't even know what the BP initials stood for. Now I know. The company that has despoiled the Gulf of Mexico. And the pollution/oil spill keeps spreading. Even into the Atlantic Ocean. Maybe all the way up to the British Isles and Scandinavia. I hope the Brits and the Swedes and my fellow Americans are just as pissed as me. Let's insist that criminal charges be brought against BP executives. Let's put BP into receivership so that all of its assets can be used for environmental clean-up. Let's put BP, the fourth largest corporation in the world, out of business. --Jim Broede

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