Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I'm easily surprised.

I don't want life to be too simple. I'd rather that life be complex. Almost too difficult to understand. That gives me some flexibility. Then I can look for my own meaning. In a sense, I can make it up as I go along. Sort of like writing a short story or even a novel. I'm living it. And I have no idea what's coming next. If life were simple, everything would be predictable. It's better to not know what's coming. To be surprised. Fact of the matter is that I've had many pleasant surprises in my life. Two unexpected loves, for instance. Much of my time I just spend gawking. Marveling at the wonders of life. Meanwhile, I see lots of bored people around me. That's a bit surprising. Of course, maybe it doesn't take much to surprise me. I'm easily surprised. Maybe that's a blessing. --Jim Broede

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