Friday, June 11, 2010

Yes, BP helps to define 'chutzpah'.

Seems to me that British Petroleum (BP) can afford to clean up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Because last year BP made a profit of $16.7 billion. That's right. BP knows how to rake in the money. Because it knows how to cut corners rather than develop fail-safe methods for extracting oil from beneath the sea. Of course, BP would like American taxpayers to help foot the clean-up bill. That really takes chutzpah. But that's the nature of greedy capitalists. By the way, Exxon Mobile out-profited BP last year. With a profit of $19.3 billion. Meanwhile, Wall Street broker Goldman Sachs made only a measly $13.4 billion. Even with the help of a bailout by taxpayers. --Jim Broede

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