Sunday, July 4, 2010

The ability to live forever.

I try to ignore it. But as I grow older, I notice little things. If I have an injury when I'm working out, for instance, it takes longer to heal. Or I don't run as fast as I used to. I dream of recapturing my youth. But know full well that it's a lost cause. I'm 74. And I have to accept that as fact. But I also tell myself that there are advantages to being 74. Rather than 47 or 29. I've had more life experience. That's a benefit. I'm able to do things more efficiently. And I'm more appreciative of life. I've also reached the age at which I'm retired. Gives me more freedom to do what I want to do. I probably have never been more free in my life. And that makes me happy. And reasonably content. But still, I wish for everything. The advantages of youth as well as age. Yes, the ability to live forever. --Jim Broede

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