Saturday, September 25, 2010

Idiots & kooks have a right to be.

The lawn sign down my road reads, 'Liberalism 202: Keep on Taxing.' Of course, that's the way conservatives describe liberals. Politicians who tax endlessly. Well, there's nothing wrong with that. That's how much of government is financed. With taxes. Taxes are good. Taxes bring good. Yes, we citizens of America should be expected to pay taxes. Government and government services ain't free. In any civilized society, I'd expect to see taxes. Yes, I'm told that the only certainties in life are death and taxes. If we have to do away with one, I'd much prefer it be death. I'd rather have taxes than death. No doubt about it. But some of my buddies on the Republican side of the aisle would rather keep death and eliminate taxes. That's a very bad choice. But then, Republicans are known for making bad choices. They tend to be idiots and kooks. I accept that as a given. Idiots and kooks have a right to exist in our society. But I just wish we'd keep them out of government and away from any serious decisionmaking. --Jim Broede

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