Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm finding better things to do.

I've lost interest in local politics. In the city council. And the school board. I pay hardly any attention to local issues. It's not worth the time and effort. And I pretty much don't give a darn what they decide. I'm indifferent. Quite a change for me. Before I retired, I made my living by writing about local politics. Addressing all sorts of issues. But now I ignore local politics. Because it all seems so petty. So insignificant. But I haven't lost interest in national and international politics. I keep a close eye on it. And I write about it in my blog. But I recognize that I have virtually no influence on political matters. So maybe some day I'll just turn it off. I really have better things to do. Over which I can have great influence. Such as the pursuit of love. --Jim Broede

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