Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm gonna stay on course.

I'm curious. About so many things. But most of all, I'm curious about life. About why I'm here. If it's just by accident. Or by some grand design. My guess is that it's moreorless by mishap. I just as easily could not have been born. But still, I'd like to find some meaning to my life. To make a difference. Oh, not to have an effect on the world as a whole. But for me to get some satisfaction for having this instant of life. To take advantage of it. And I think I'm doing that. By being a romantic idealist, a free-thinker, a liberal and a lover. I could have chosen so many other paths. I could have been a conservative Republican, a Christian and a gadfly. In other words, wasted my life. At least, I think I was given a free choice. I wasn't compelled to be what I am. And I still have the opportunity to change course. But for the time-being, I'm gonna stay on this course. Especially that of being a lover. --Jim Broede

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