Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A pleasant and engaging woman.

I'm impressed by Lady Gaga. I haven't paid much attention to her singing. Sort of ignored that. But I'm impressed by her verve. Her willingness to drive 15 hours up to Maine to rally support for the repeal of the military's 'don't ask, don't tell' policy. Trying to shame Maine's two moderate senators into allowing the U.S. Senate to vote on the matter. There's talk that obstructionist, dimwitted Republicans will try to filibuster the legislation. Stopping a clear-cut majority from even voting on it. Anyway, Lady Gaga looks different when she lets her platinum blond hair down off-stage. She also wears big black-rimmed glasses. Looks intellectual. And sounds it, too. And she really seems to care about some of the hot-button political and social issues of the day. I'm not particularly enamored with her singing. But hey, I can take the rest of her. She seems to be a very pleasant and engaging woman. --Jim Broede

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