Wednesday, October 13, 2010

For being too competent & black.

Democrats, Obama and liberals have right on their side. But they don't know how to play politics mean and dirty. In essence, they don't know how to defend themselves. And sell their ideas to the electorate. They need to find new forms of expression. By talking in persuasive ways. To people that are generally quite stupid. Republicans are the masters of selling a bill of goods. They really have nothing to say. Except for a few platitudes. And a mish-mash of meaningless words. But they know how to bamboozle stupid people into thinking that Republicans will magically save America. When really, they'll destroy America by making the rich richer and the poor poorer. But the poor and middle classes have been told by Republicans that's the true American way. And that the patriotic thing to do is elect Republicans and consider impeaching Barack Obama. For being too competent and black. --Jim Broede

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