Monday, October 25, 2010

I'll be happy no matter what.

Economic conditions in the USA could be far worse. And they will be. In the next two years. Because the mood of the electorate seems to be to return political power to the Republicans. That means the economy will go from bad to worse. But so be it. Americans are stupid when it comes to figuring things out. They don't stop to analyze why the economy is bad. Because the government-sponsored stimulus was inadequate. But at least it was a stimulus to some degree. Under Republicans, there would have been absolutely no stimulus. Unemployment would be at maybe 12 percent, instead of at just under 10 percent. And once Republicans take control of Congress, rest assured, there will be no stimulus. We'll sink deeper and deeper into the economic morass. And maybe by then, the electorate will wise up. And in 2012 the Democrats will be returned to power. With a mandate to stimulate the hell out of the economy. To create jobs like we've never created 'em before. Maybe even socialists will be looked upon with favor. That would make me happy. But hey, what the heck. I'll be happy as long as I'm in love. No matter the state of politics and the economy. --Jim Broede

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