Tuesday, October 26, 2010

There is no future. Only now.

Getting old isn't the worst thing in the world. Beats the alternative. Not living long enough to get old. Of course, old is a relative term. I'm 75. That may seem young to a 90-year-old. But it's very old to someone in his 20s or 30s. I don't act old. Because I seem to be in good health. I'm still active. Mentally. And physically. Anyway, I once thought of 75 as ancient. A time when one becomes decrepit and sits around in a rocking chair. Or maybe a wheelchair. And needs a hearing aid. And goes senile. But I've avoided all that negative stuff. I'm far more at ease than I thought I'd be at this age. And I don't worry about dying. Because I've learned to live pretty much a day at a time. I don't get too far ahead of myself. There's something nice about that. Being focused on today. Used to be that I worried about the future. But no sense in that. I've always lived in the now. Didn't always know that. But now I do. There is no future. Only now. --Jim Broede

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