Monday, November 29, 2010

A better alternative to war.

Love is my salvation. No doubt about it. If I was unable to love, life would no longer be worthwhile. I suspect that may be the underlying reason for people committing suicide. They are no longer capable of loving. Life. Or anything. People blame suicides on depression. But ultimately, it boils down to the inability to love life. Think about it. I've known people who took their own lives. And they all lost the ability to love. They couldn't even love themselves. Sad as that sounds. It was true. I don't know if love can be taught. Maybe it can't. But if it could, we'd see a big decline in suicides. I'm sure of it. Of course, some people choose to kill others. Rather than themselves. Out of lack of love. That's the basis of most wars. Lack of love of humanity. Actually, the world might be a better place. If only the war-mongers committed suicide. That's a better alternative to war. --Jim Broede

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