Monday, November 15, 2010

In order to be honest & objective.

I think of myself as more subjective than objective. Because I have opinions about most things that I write about. Often, I try to be fair. And readily acknowledge that I could be wrong. But I like to stand up for what I believe in. In subjective ways. When I was writing for newspapers, I tried to write stories that were objective. In the sense that I kept my opinion out of 'em. But then I might have gone out of my way to interview politicians that tended to reflect my point of view on the issues. And maybe it was easier for me to be fair to a liberal than to a conservative. Because I was more tuned in to the liberal perspective. At times, I filled a duo role, as the supposed objective reporter and the subjective columnist. Some editors discouraged wearing two hats. They thought writers should be one or the other. But I argued that the ultimate objectivity is for a reporter to let readers in on his opinions. So that they can take that into account when reading what's supposed to be an objective story. Yes, full disclosure. Anyway, I took pride in my objectivity. Because I thought I was being objective. Maybe even when I wasn't. I admit that now. In order to be honest and objective. --Jim Broede

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