Saturday, November 27, 2010

To contemplate god.

As I understand it, god is supposed to exist outside of time. Now that's fascinating. I'm trying to imagine myself in the same dimension as god. Outside of time. The question I have, would I be aware of it if I lived outside of time? Or would it be a special kind of awareness? One that I cannot even imagine. And also, would god allow the existence of equals to the original god? In other words, multiple gods. And would these gods, in a sense, be one and the same? Since all of 'em might be clones of each other. Would they be ranked in order of making? Or is it possible they all came into being at once? After all, isn't that possible if one lives outside of time? I suspect I am consciously aware of myself only because I live in time. I can make a comparison. Between past, present and future. At least, theoretically. I'm thinking that god is unconscious. And that gives me an advantage. An opportunity to think. To contemplate god. --Jim Broede

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