Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas in Sardinia.

I’m anticipating an unusual Christmas. One like I have never experienced before. In Sardinia. In Italy. With my true love. And some of her family. That should be interesting. I’m sure there’s a lot I’d like to say in the family gathering. But I don’t speak Italian. And most of the others don’t speak English. But my true love’s young niece speaks English. Amazingly good for a teen-ager. For anyone. So, between her and my true love, I’ll have decent interpreters and translators. And hey, I do have some Italian phrases mastered. Well, maybe not mastered. But down adequate enough to be understood. I’ve spent my most recent Christmases more or less alone. That had become my favorite way of spending Christmas. Resting. As if it’s just another day. Nothing special. No big family gathering. No socializing. A Christmas in solitude. It really ain’t bad. I’d recommend trying it sometime. –Jim Broede

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