Saturday, December 4, 2010

It scares the hell out of me.

I'll tell you what scares me about Republicans. They are fanatics. To the very core of everyone of 'em. They'll stick together. Vote as a bloc. No individuality about these Republicans. United we stand, divided we fall. Nobody abandons ship. All the monolith mind cliches apply. Look at the U.S. Senate. There's no deviation. The minority Republicans can always rely on having 42 votes to block virtually any legislation by the filibuster. There's no way that Democrats would ever be so cohesive. Democrats are a divided lot. They are individuals. A mix of liberals and conservatives and moderates. Republicans have all become varying degrees of conservatives. There is no such thing anymore as a moderate or liberal Republican. To be a Republican, one must surrender his/her mind and body and soul to the conservative cause. No matter how lame-brained. Republicans march by a locked zombie-step. It's as if they have been taken over by an alien force. By body-snatchers from outer space. Yes, science fiction has come true. I don't know about you. But it sure scares the hell out of me. --Jim Broede

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