Monday, December 6, 2010

Like everyone else.

I'm trying to learn how to be reasonable. Ain't easy. Because I encounter many unreasonable people. And the tendency is to counter with an equal degree of unreasonableness. For instance, take a look at our political system. It's a bunch of unreasonable politicians tossed in to the same room with each other. And they get nothing accomplished. Because all of 'em are grossly unreasonable. No give and take. No compromise. No honest dialogues. Meanwhile, I'm trying to be reasonably reasonable. I keep suggesting that we work things out. For the sake of a solution. Better than constantly quibbling. But I keep hearing people say they'd rather quibble than settle their differences. That seems unreasonable. So, what can I guy do? I seem to be caught up in an unreasonable world. Maybe that's the nature of mankind. Why we pursue nasty politics and nasty relationships. We have lost the fine art of reasonableness. That is, if we ever had it. I think I'm a reasonable fella. But maybe that's why I don't fit. Guess the only way is for me to change. Into an unreasoable being. Like everyone else. --Jim Broede

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