Sunday, December 5, 2010

Racist hearts.

Seems to me we have a political party that doesn't want economic conditions to get better until after 2012. Because that will be good for Republicans. A way for Republicans to heap the blame for it all on the Obama administration. Yes, it's a game. Don't allow Obama to succeed. Block his agenda in any and every way. With lies. With filibusters. With negative sound bites. Make it seem that the nation's economic lethargy is all Obama's fault. But the saddest thing of all is that Obama is letting Republicans get away with it. He's not fighting back. At least, not in an effective way. This is a political war. And Obama is acting like someone willing to turn the other cheek. But Obama has yet to recognize that doesn't work. He comes off as a wimp. Maybe an intellectual, too. But a wimpy intellectual. Maybe it's that the Republicans happen to be the party of rich people. And white people. And Obama is black. For so many, many years, black people were docile. They turned the other cheek. They didn't fight back. So we whites literally got away with murder. With suppression. With oppression. We formed a racist society. We treated blacks as second class citizens. Even at a time when we catigated Nazis. For being racists. We had our own deeply racist society. In many ways, we white Americans were (and some of us still are) just as bad and evil as the Nazis. We mistreated black people. Didn't even allow them into our schools. Made them live in ghettos. Denied them decent jobs. Even lynched many of 'em if they tried to get too uppity. Even today, blacks aren't treated fairly when it comes to matters of life and death. Blacks are far more likely to be executed than white people. Anyway, maybe that's why white Republicans think they can get away with the shenanigans aimed at making Obama fail. He's black. And he deserves to fail. Furthermore, that fool Obama is helping the Republicans. By repeatedly turning the other cheek. Offering to compromise. I'm waiting for Obama to decide that enough is enough. That it's time for a black man to stand up and fight. For what is right and decent. Yes, these Republicans are mostly racists. They treat a black president like he has no right to live in the White House. Because he's black. I'm white. And I know better. That's why I'm not a Republican. I despise Republicans for their racist ways. I see deep down into many of their hearts. Racist hearts. --Jim Broede

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