Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Far better than never.

I like to get to know people. But I can't make them talk. Can't make them open up. Can't make them be candid. In a way, that's a problem. A barrier. Sure, I know everyone is entitled to privacy. And it may seem as if I am trying to invade their privacy. Which, I suppose, is true. But my motives are good. Or so I'd like to think. Seems to me that I get to the heart of matters by asking philosophical questions. Maybe even hypotheticals. As to what people would do in certain situations. I'm fascinated by answers. I don't just want to engage people in small talk. Or maybe I do. I could ask, how are you? Now if I got an honest answser, we'd be headed in the right direction. But few people are honest. They'll say 'just fine.' When they are anything but fine. Basically, they are saying it's none of my business. Of course, if that's the case, maybe they are the people that I don't want wasting my time. Because I truly want to get to know people. People who truly want me to get to know them. When I encounter such, it's a moment and event to cherish. Because it rarely happens. Maybe four or five times in a lifetime. But that's far better than never. --Jim Broede

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