Monday, January 10, 2011

I'll respect the respectful.

Seems to me that communists are tolerated more in Italy than in the USA. Another reason why I like Italy. On a television talk show the other night, a leader in the Italian communist party was being interviewed. And he was well-received by the audience. His comments often drew applause. Maybe it was a sign of respect. The acceptance of divergent attitudes and opinions. My true love translated some of the discussion. About how the communists feel the working class has been exploited. By capitalists. I couldn't agree more. We Americans have been brought up to disrespect communists. Even hate 'em. But I've thrown off that yoke. I respect 'em, far more than I respect a Republican. And that's mainly because Republicans don't show their opponents much, if any, respect. So in my book, it's tit for tat. I can't very well respect people who don't show other people respect. --Jim Broede

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