Monday, January 31, 2011

We teach each other.

The skies are overcast today. Here in Sardinia. But I still feel sunshine. Brightness. Warmth. Because I’m in a good mood. Almost always. I really like the contrast in weather. Something nice about a cloudy day. Often, it gives me a feeling of living in the past. In another time. I don’t know why that is. It just is. And I learn to accept things as they are. Oftentimes, without questioning. I follow my instincts. That’s how I ended up in Sardinia. I even write and speak instinctively. Doing whatever seems natural. Of course, I’m somewhat limited here. In making myself understood. Because I don’t speak Italian to any significant degree. But I’m an observer. And my true love is bilingual. She’s teaching me some Italian. But I’m a slow-learner. Always have been. Maybe it’s that I like to take my time. I used to rush/hurry through life. Because that’s the way I was brought up. To actually go contrary to my basic instincts. But I’ve corrected that mistake. Thank gawd. I still see lots of people in a hurry. Trying to do too much in a short time. That includes my true love. But she’s learning. We are teaching each other. A whole lot. On how to live. Happily. –Jim Broede

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