Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When less seems like more.

It’s called a bar. Really, it’s a place where Italians take an espresso. Yes, drinking strong coffee. While standing at a bar. I like to go in. More often than my true love. Because I also can get a pastry. This morning, it was a croissant. Espresso and croissant. That makes my morning. Especially when I’m with my true love. I reached for the croissant with a napkin. But my true love said I needed two napkins. To eat properly. Anyway, I munched away. Joyfully. My true love finished before me. I’m slow. I truly savor my espresso. And my croissant. I’m trying to reform my true love. Make her slow down. Period. In most anything she does. That includes time spent at the bar. Maybe if I could just get her to eat a croissant. But no. She wants to watch her weight. I tell her to eat slowly. Make a smaller amount last and last and last. It’ll seem like more. When really it’s less. –Jim Broede

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