Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Finding the likeable in everyone.

Silvio Berlusconi. Italy's prime minister. Italians seem to either love him or hate him. They are sharply divided. There seems to be no middle ground. The thing about Berlusconi is that he does pretty much as he damn well pleases. Maybe it helps that he's a billionaire. And owns TV stations. Yes, he's in positions of power. Some of his critics even say he's attained power with the help of the Mafia. And he's alleged to like sex. And young prostitutes. Some below the age of consent. And he's a 70-something old/young man. He'd like to think of himself as young and virile and dapper. And even above the law. He's gotten bills through parliament that exempted him from some prosecutions. While in office. But the courts may be catching up with Berlusconi. He may be going to trial soon. On criminal charges. Linked to cavorting with under-aged prostitutes. Berlusconi and his supporters say that certain magistrates and politicians are out to get him. And that their allegations against him are false. No more than political theater. Certainly, Berlusconi and his antics dominate the news here in Italy. And the talk shows are rampant with his critics and supporters. Shouting at each other. It's a raucus and entertaining scene. My true love despises Berlusconi. She'd like nothing better than to see him tossed out of office. And into jail. But she acknowledges that he has strong support. Maybe from half of the population. Many of whom say that his private life is his private life. And he should be left alone. Others say Berlusconi is immoral, and a disgrace to Italy. Maybe I'm somewhere inbetween on Berlusconi. Because I'm an American. Living in Italy. I can afford to be amused by it all. Berlusconi isn't my prime minister. Albeit, I'd like to think of myself as an honorary Italian. I'm becoming more and more an Italian at heart. Guess it's the influence of my Sardinian true love. Still, I find it difficult to hate anyone. Even the racsal Berlusconi. And the devil himself. I can find something likeable about almost everyone. --Jim Broede

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