Sunday, February 13, 2011

I sensed the presence of a god.

I sort of worshipped on Sunday. At the ruins of a 2,600 year old Phoenician temple. In a remote rural area of Sardinia. Yes, the temple was built 600 years before that fellow Jesus and the Christians came on the scene. And before the Phoenicians, there were other people on Sardinia. At least 3,200 years ago. Worshiping their god. Oh, so many gods. So many religions. And everyone of 'em think they've got the true religion. And the true god. And I figured I was in the mood to accept the Phoenician god. At least for a day. Maybe I'll accept all the gods that ever were and ever will be. Even the Greek gods. Zeus , and all. I don't know what it is about human beings. So many of us declare a belief in one god or another. But for now, I'll believe in 'em all. Maybe a different one every Sunday. Meanwhile, I'm wondering what ever happened to the Phoenicians. To the best of my knoweldge, none of 'em are around any more. I sure hope they're off in another dimension. Saved. And living happily ever after. With their god. The one I worshipped in the empty temple. But then again, maybe it wasn't empty. I sensed the presence of spirits. Maybe even god. Of one kind or another. --Jim Broede

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