Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I'd stay forever.

The botanical gardens in Cagliari, the capitol city of Sardinia, is only a 5-minute walk from by true love's aunt. Whom she visited yesterday. It's a remarkable place. We spent two hours ambling through the sprawling gardens. And it was my true love's first visit there since childhood. And now that she has rediscovered it, she'll be back. Frequently. Maybe every time she's in Cagliari. I certainly will be back. It's like a central park in Cagliari. With high-rise apartment buildings looking down on it. Her aunt is elderly. And doesn't get out any more. Which is a shame. If I lived in Cagliari, I'd probably become addicted to the botanical gardens. So much to explore. Tropical stuff. And desert plants and trees. Cacti galore. Makes me think I'm in Arizona. But there's far more botanical variety than I find in the desert of southwest USA. There's a token fee. Just a half euro. To get in. And one is encouraged to sign the register. I was the first visitor of the day from the USA. But others had come from Russia, Poland, France and Germany. There was a Mediterranean cruise ship in the harbor. And that brought in lots of foreign visitors. We sat on a bench at the seaside. And absorbed the sunshine and the beauty of Cagliari and the sea. I lost track of time. And thought that maybe I'd stay forever. --Jim Broede

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