Friday, February 18, 2011

I brought home 'strudelini'.

I love to go grocery shopping. And buying more than we need. Especially now that I am living in Italy. I'm willing to try almost anything. In way of sinful goodies. And this is all happening to the consternation of my true love. I'm buying things that she says she shouldn't eat. But does. I tell her, then don't eat 'em. Very simple. But she says that's far easier said than done. That she doesn't want such sinful stuff in the house. Tempting her. Therefore, I have been trying to use some degree of restraint. Not yet effectively enough to suit my true love. I've offered to hide some of the stuff. And to start buying some things she doesn't like. I encourage her to practice old-fashioned willpower. But she doesn't take to that very well. Anyway, I am pledging to be a good boy. Within reason, that is. I gotta confess. Today I brought home something called 'strudelini.' Four of 'em. Looks a lot like what Germans call apple strudel. --Jim Broede

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