Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Makes me a nice guy.

I hold myself in fairly high esteem. No doubt. I'm a nice guy. And if someone disagrees with me about that, he/she is wrong. Because I know me. Much better than others do. People tell me that I try to make myself look good. All the time. Here in this blog. In other places, too. As if that's wrong. Why wouldn't I want to look good? Even when I portray myself as bad. I want it to come off as me looking good. For being honest about it. I like self-effacing humor, too. Because that makes me look good. I know people who feel bad about themselves. They wish they were somebody else. That's sad. Because we are who we are. It's all right to alter one's outlook on life and one's self. For the sake of raising one's self-esteem. But one shouldn't be ashamed of one's real self. Better to just get on with life. Make the most of it. Yes, from this moment on. Don't dwell on everything you've done wrong. Instead, get used to doing things right. That's my aim. Of course, I still do some things wrong. Always will. Because I am feeling my way through life. And often I don't know the full implications of my actions. Yes, I make mistakes. Plenty of 'em. But I try to learn from my bonehead maneuvers. Maybe that makes me a nice guy. --Jim Broede

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