Saturday, February 26, 2011

They made yesterday meaningful.

My true love and I wandered yesterday. To the highest point in the city of Carbonia in Sardinia and saw the Mediterranean Sea. Off in the distance. Maybe 20 miles away. We wanted to see some Phoenician ruins. Dating back close to 3,000 years ago. But the place was closed. And we'll return later today. However, it was a delightful time. Because we walked the grounds. And two small dogs, looking like twins, accompanied us. And they came to me. And I gave them attention. I became attached. I would have loved to take the dogs home with me. But I'm sure they belonged to someone. Maybe a caretaker of the grounds. Or another visitor. Who just let the dogs roam. Knowing that they'd stay in the vicinity. And return by signal. But I didn't see anyone. Although there were three cars in the parking lot. And now I'm wondering. When we return, will I see the dogs again? I like those dogs. Because they made my yesterday meaningful. --Jim Broede

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