Thursday, March 31, 2011

The essence of salvation.

Sometimes, things just happen. Nice things. There’s a saying that ‘shit happens.’ But so do blessings. That’s how I’ve fallen in love. Twice in my life. It just happened. As if pre-destined. As if it was meant to be. Sure, there are things that happen that I wish didn’t happen. Such as my dear Jeanne dying. After 38 years of marriage. After a 13-year sojourn with Alzheimer’s. But life goes on. Something good comes of a grievous event in one’s life. Love crosses my path again. And I’m drawn to Italy. Where I’m gonna keep spending my winters. With my new true love. And she’ll spend her summers with me. In Minnesota. Yes, things happen. Sure, some bad things. But also many, many nice things. Blessings. That’s the way of life. Especially if one is able to fall in love. Maybe that’s the essence of salvation. Love. Pure love. –Jim Broede

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