Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I live in happy land.

Pollsters try to measure just about everything. Including degrees of happiness and sadness. Gallup just did it. And concluded that the happiest people in the USA reside in Hawaii. And the unhappiest are in West Virginia and a southern tier of states. I was happy to see that Minnesota, where I live, ranked as the sixth happiest state. And I'm gonna claim credit for Minnesota's high-ranking. Without me, one of the happiest men alive, Minnesota may have finished in the middle of the pack, or worse. A lot may have depended on when the poll was taken. Because I was out of the country this winter. Living in Sardinia in the Mediterranean Sea. Which seemed to me to be the happiest place in the world. A paradise. I suspect that wherever I live at a given moment may be the winner in any happy land contest. At least from my happy perspective. --Jim Broede

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