Friday, April 22, 2011

I prefer good government.

My guess is that if Republicans had their way, they’d dissolve government. And allow the U.S. to be run by a big private corporation. Everything would be privatized. Capitalism would reign. Seems to me that Republicans want to destroy government. By whatever means. Maybe by making government go broke. Maybe by wrecking government programs such as Medicare and Social Security. Republicans want government to fail. So that big business can take control. Republicans want government to be run like a business. A private business. Where the owners and the boards of directors dictate the course. And the company’s best/selfish interests are served. Rather than the common good. Seems to me that’s the basic difference between private corporations and government. Government’s mission is supposed to be to serve the common interest of society as a whole. Private business, meanwhile, wants to exploit society for the purpose of making money. Making a profit. For a limited, chosen few. Government, meanwhile, is in business to provide services. For the many. Without making profits. I like that concept. Yes, I prefer good government over bad business. –Jim Broede

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