Saturday, April 23, 2011

Trump, Trump, Trumping along.

Donald Trump. A comical character. And a racist extraordinary. Has surged to the top of the list of potential Republican candidates for president. Yes, president of the USA. This is my country, folks. And I become more ashamed/disenchanted of its dastardly political realities. On a daily basis. I awake. And tell myself that nothing can get more pathetic on the American political scene. That we’ve finally bottomed out. And things will get better. But what happens instead? Donald Trump arrives. And he’s anointed as the candidate with the most public support among Republicans. Mind you, not yet a majority. But more than any of the others in the early opinion polling. More than Mitt Romney. Or some preacher guy named Huckabee. Or certified right-wing loonies Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann. Or gawd-awful hypocrite Newt Gingrich. Or an ex-governor with a brain numbed by living on the Minnesota tundra during cold, cold winters. Indeed, a motley crew. Even before Trump happened along. But Trump makes it even more motley. By making his big issue Barack Obama’s citizenship. Casting doubts on whether Obama was really born in the USA. Suggesting that maybe he’s really a Kenyan. And a secret Muslim. And the anti-Christ. Because he’s a black man. That automatically gets Trump the racist vote. Little wonder that he’s surged to the top in opinion polls. Because America is a racist nation. Sad. But true. A hard reality for some of us Americans to accept. We try to deny it. But then comes along my trump card. Trump himself. Making preposterous claims. Because there’s no way he and other racists can tolerate/accept the idea of a black man in the White House. –Jim Broede

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