Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My gawd. My gawd. My gawd.

Our media makes very ordinary freaks famous. Maybe that’s the main problem with modern civilization. The media. It doesn’t know how to differentiate between the ordinary and the extraordinary. All one has to do to catch the attention of the media is to act like an idiot. Do something completely idiotic. Act like an ass. For instance, take the slew of Republican Party would-be candidates for president. Tell me that even one of ‘em isn’t an idiot. You can’t. Not if you’re honest. Donald Trump. Newt Gingrich. Sarah Palin. Michele Bachmann. Mitt Romney. A guy named Huckabee. His first name escapes me at the moment. And I don’t wanna waste my time looking it up. They’re all full-fledged nincompoops. If you consolidated all of their brains, you wouldn’t have a single, solitary, solid, legitimate brain. Some birds have bigger brains. But there they are. Being paraded in front of us on a daily basis. Round the clock. In the 24-hour news cycle. The media doesn’t know any other way to fill up time. I’m sure there are wise and intelligent people out there. But they are ignored by the media. Because they aren’t freaks. Intelligence doesn’t sell. Ignorance is bliss. People buy into the stupidity thing. The outlandish. They wanna be fooled. Sold a bill of goods. They want leaders that remind them of themselves. Ill-informed. Dunces. Sad sacks. And look at the media figures that promote these idiots. Rush Limbaugh. Glenn Beck. Two examples of loonies widely embraced by the public. They have avid followings. They are the voices of the Republican Party. The modern-day king-makers. My gawd. My gawd. My gawd. –Jim Broede

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