Friday, May 13, 2011

Equivalent to walking on water.

In matters spiritual, I believe what I want to believe. Nobody dictates to me. If I want to believe in an abstract called god (spelled with a lower case 'g'), I believe it. Unequivocally. If I don’t want to, then I don’t. It’s my decision. Totally. I don’t necessarily use reason or logic in coming to my beliefs. In coming to my bottom-line conclusions. I just simply believe. Exactly what I want to believe. Because there is no reason or logic when it comes to spiritual matters. It’s even ridiculous to try to figure it all out intellectually. Mindfully. Instead, it’s more a soulful thing. Whatever my inner being tells me to believe, instinctively, I believe. Or I at least profess a belief. I suppose it’s a form of faith. I’m not a Christian. Or a member of any organized religion. Because I don’t wanna be. I was brought up as a Christian. But I renounced being a Christian, simply because I don’t wanna be one. Because there's too much totally unbelievable bullshit connected with Christianity. Beyond anything that I truly want to believe. I’d rather be independent. A free-thinker. On my own terms. By my own definitions. Which, granted, may be rather vague. And which may change from day to day. Or even moment to moment. And experience to experience. Depending on my mood. I might be called a spiritual work in progress. Evolving. Forever feeling my way. That’s the nice thing about spirituality. It’s fluid. Very, very fluid. In a sense, one must go out of one’s mind to reach the spiritual side. One must enter another aura. Beyond the three-dimensional universe. Beyond our traditional concepts of creation. Humans can do it. Not fully though. Unless one leaves his physical being. Discarding one’s body. And one’s mind. Or at least that’s what I wanna believe. At the moment. So I convince myself to believe it. I come to realize that the impossible is possible. Among my most enlightening discoveries is that true love has an immense spiritual dimension. To be explored. Won’t ever fully grasp it. Intellectually, that is. But hey, I’m into this thing called love. Soulfully. Spiritually. Yes, a magnificent feat. Equivalent to walking on water. –Jim Broede

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