Thursday, May 19, 2011

In pursuit of consciousness.

Consciousness. Life’s most precious commodity. Yes, that’s it. Without awareness, I’d be unable to think for myself. Otherwise, everything would be a reflex response. Unconscious. Unaware, it seems to me. Unmindful. Anyway, I try to remind myself daily that I’m very much alive and conscious. That I’m far more than a robot. The point I wish to make is that I have to keep reminding myself. Otherwise, I might fall into going through life without being fully conscious. I suspect that many people around me have been caught in that trap. They don’t think for themselves. They simply exist. Yes, simply. Very simply. I like to poke fun at Republicans. For being simple-minded. But it’s an example of people going against their best interests. Because they have been trained. Like a dog. Like a seal. Like a rat in a laboratory. I suspect my cat Loverboy has more consciousness and common sense than some Republicans. I certainly like and revere Loverboy. But I can’t say the same for most Republicans. I accept ‘em and tolerate ‘em. But I’m not ever gonna stop poking fun at ‘em. It could be some Republicans don’t even know I’m poking fun. Because they ain’t conscious enough to know it. –Jim Broede

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