Thursday, May 19, 2011

Maybe we're all odd.

When this blog started several years ago, or whenever it was, I initially attracted many negative thinkers. From the Alzheimer’s message boards. They were, for the most part, negative thinking care-givers. Because they were overworked. Exhausted. Emotionally drained. And I kept telling ‘em to think more positively. Despite the pitfalls of life. And that pissed ‘em off. They thought they had a right to be negative. And certainly, they do. But still, I let ‘em know that I thought that was a stupid choice. And that they ought to find better ways to be care-givers. Mostly by becoming positive. Because a negative care-giver generally does far more harm than good. It’s unproductive. Self-defeating. Come to think of it. This applies to everyone. Not just to Alzheimer care-givers. I suspect that many people put themselves into depression. Merely by being negative. And by refusing to fall in love with life. They prefer being unhappy. Which I think is a sickness. But a curable one. Amazingly, however, some people don’t wanna be cured. And maybe it’s that they find some degree of happiness in being unhappy. That may seem odd. But then, maybe we’re all odd. Me included. In our own ways. –Jim Broede

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