Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Those stone-throwing Republicans.

I’m bemused but not surprised by the rash of Republican politicians with extramarital affairs. Such as Newt Gingrich. Remember him during the Clinton presidency? Gingrich wanted Clinton impeached for having an affair. The irony of it all is that we now know that at the very time Gingrich was going after Clinton, he was having his own adulteress affair. Talk about being a hypocrite. And now California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s marriage with Maria Shriver is breaking up. Because he’s admitted to fathering a child with one of his household’s help 10 years ago. Yes, this is the same Schwarzenegger that has touted family values throughout his political career. Anyway, the litany could go on and on. About two-faced, double standard Republicans. They are good at living in glass houses and throwing stones. –Jim Broede

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